WHAT is ms?

“I have multiple sclerosis, because I thought why stop at one?” Tim Ferguson If you’re anything like me when MS was mentioned as a possible explanation for my symptoms, I was searching my brain to remember what that stood for. None of the doctors or technicians during the investigation stage elaborated on what MS was, …

QUESTIONS for your neurologist

Unfortunately, multiple sclerosis is often misattributed to other conditions when symptoms first appear as it shares so many characteristics of other often benign conditions. My MS was almost missed when my first relapse was diagnosed as vertigo. If I hadn’t pushed to keep investigating my symptoms, I would have seen a physiotherapist to treat vertigo …

VANUATU vacation

A few people told me I was brave going overseas alone to Mongolia earlier this year. When I mentioned my plan to go to Vanuatu with my one-year old solo they thought I had gone a bit crazy. Turns out it was a bit of a crazy idea, but it was also an incredibly insightful …

MONGOLIAN memories

When I first told people I was planning on travelling to Mongolia I was met with a lot of shock and disbelief. I was brave to travel there alone, apparently it was an unusual location for me to choose and not many people had wanted to travel there. For me, it was a given, it …

SOLO in Sichuan

It’s been a few months now since I visited China and I’ve been a bit slow in getting my thoughts down. I will start by saying that China isn’t on my “visit again” list. At least not any time soon. It’s not that I hated my experience or anything to that level, but it wasn’t …